GW campus with leaves changing

Housing Accessibility

In compliance with federal, state, and city disability laws, GW provides reasonable and appropriate housing accommodations to students with disabilities.

Requests for accessible housing are considered on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process, based on the student’s documented disability-related needs and prevailing standards. GW, through Disability Support Services (DSS), has outlined the following process to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to housing resources.

How to Apply

Please follow the steps below:

Deadlines for Housing Requests

All students must adhere to the same applicable deadlines for requesting housing. Requests to DSS for accessible housing submitted to DSS after these deadlines may face limited availability, and students approved for such accommodations may be placed on a waitlist.

Housing Request Review and Approval Process

Your request will proceed through a collaborative review process. Throughout this process, DSS will make every effort to respect the confidentiality of your disability status.

Once a decision has been reached, DSS will inform you of the outcome. If you meet the eligibility requirements, DSS will provide Campus Living and Residential Education (CLRE) with a written confirmation of the specific accommodation. CLRE will then determine your room assignment and notify you directly.

Ongoing Housing Accommodations and Eligibility

Once you are approved for a disability housing accommodation, and as long as your needs remain unchanged, Campus Living and Residential Education (CLRE) will make every effort to provide similar accommodations for the duration of your time in residence.

If you have a variable or changing disability, updated or additional documentation may be required periodically.

Due to the limited availability of specific housing configurations, you may request an exemption from GW’s residency requirement if an appropriate on-campus accommodation cannot be provided.